Warning: MySQL server has gone away query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:181:\"MySQL server has gone away\nquery: SELECT dst FROM url_alias WHERE src = 'user/register' AND language IN('zh-hant', '') ORDER BY language DESC, pid DESC\";s:5:\"%file\";s:36:\"/volume1/web/print/includes/path.inc\";s:5:\"%line\";i:68;}', 3, '', 'http://print.com.tw/user/login?destination=forum%2F3%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3D%25E6%259C%2580%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%259B%259E%25E6%2587%2589%26page%3D6', '', '', 1715101347) in /volume1/web/print/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 134 註冊新帳號
  • warning: Error while sending QUERY packet. PID=29955 in /volume1/web/print/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 114.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT body, format FROM boxes WHERE bid = 23 in /volume1/web/print/modules/block/block.module on line 217.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT body, format FROM boxes WHERE bid = 2 in /volume1/web/print/modules/block/block.module on line 217.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT body, format FROM boxes WHERE bid = 22 in /volume1/web/print/modules/block/block.module on line 217.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT body, format FROM boxes WHERE bid = 1 in /volume1/web/print/modules/block/block.module on line 217.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT * FROM menu_router WHERE path IN ('user') ORDER BY fit DESC LIMIT 0, 1 in /volume1/web/print/includes/menu.inc on line 317.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT dst FROM url_alias WHERE src = 'user' AND language IN('zh-hant', '') ORDER BY language DESC, pid DESC in /volume1/web/print/includes/path.inc on line 68.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT * FROM menu_router WHERE tab_root = 'user' ORDER BY weight, title in /volume1/web/print/includes/menu.inc on line 1327.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT dst FROM url_alias WHERE src = 'admin/settings/actions' AND language IN('zh-hant', '') ORDER BY language DESC, pid DESC in /volume1/web/print/includes/path.inc on line 68.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = 'zh-hant' WHERE s.source = 'Triggers are system events, such as when new content is added or when a user logs in. Trigger module combines these triggers with actions (functional tasks), such as unpublishing content or e-mailing an administrator. The <a href=\"@url\">Actions settings page</a> contains a list of existing actions and provides the ability to create and configure additional actions.' AND s.textgroup = 'default' in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 374.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES ('/user/login?destination=forum%2F3%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3D%25E6%259C%2580%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%259B%259E%25E6%2587%2589%26page%3D6', 'Triggers are system events, such as when new content is added or when a user logs in. Trigger module combines these triggers with actions (functional tasks), such as unpublishing content or e-mailing an administrator. The <a href=\"@url\">Actions settings page</a> contains a list of existing actions and provides the ability to create and configure additional actions.', 'default', '6.34') in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 390.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE 'locale:%' in /volume1/web/print/includes/cache.inc on line 178.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = 'zh-hant' WHERE s.source = 'Backup and Migrate makes the task of backing up your Drupal database and migrating data from one Drupal install to another easier. It provides a function to backup the entire database to file or download, and to restore from a previous backup. You can also schedule the backup operation. Compression of backup files is also supported. The database backup files created with this module can be imported into this or any other Drupal installation with the !restorelink, or you can use a database tool such as <a href=\"!phpmyadminurl\">phpMyAdmin</a> or the mysql command line command.' AND s.textgroup = 'default' in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 374.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES ('/user/login?destination=forum%2F3%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3D%25E6%259C%2580%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%259B%259E%25E6%2587%2589%26page%3D6', 'Backup and Migrate makes the task of backing up your Drupal database and migrating data from one Drupal install to another easier. It provides a function to backup the entire database to file or download, and to restore from a previous backup. You can also schedule the backup operation. Compression of backup files is also supported. The database backup files created with this module can be imported into this or any other Drupal installation with the !restorelink, or you can use a database tool such as <a href=\"!phpmyadminurl\">phpMyAdmin</a> or the mysql command line command.', 'default', '6.34') in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 390.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE 'locale:%' in /volume1/web/print/includes/cache.inc on line 178.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT dst FROM url_alias WHERE src = 'admin/help/backup_migrate' AND language IN('zh-hant', '') ORDER BY language DESC, pid DESC in /volume1/web/print/includes/path.inc on line 68.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = 'zh-hant' WHERE s.source = 'Use this form to run simple manual backups of your database. Visit the !helppage for more help using this module' AND s.textgroup = 'default' in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 374.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES ('/user/login?destination=forum%2F3%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3D%25E6%259C%2580%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%259B%259E%25E6%2587%2589%26page%3D6', 'Use this form to run simple manual backups of your database. Visit the !helppage for more help using this module', 'default', '6.34') in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 390.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE 'locale:%' in /volume1/web/print/includes/cache.inc on line 178.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = 'zh-hant' WHERE s.source = 'Use this form to run manual backups of your database with more advanced options. If you have any !profilelink saved you can load those settings. You can save any of the changes you make to these settings as a new settings profile.' AND s.textgroup = 'default' in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 374.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES ('/user/login?destination=forum%2F3%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3D%25E6%259C%2580%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%259B%259E%25E6%2587%2589%26page%3D6', 'Use this form to run manual backups of your database with more advanced options. If you have any !profilelink saved you can load those settings. You can save any of the changes you make to these settings as a new settings profile.', 'default', '6.34') in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 390.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE 'locale:%' in /volume1/web/print/includes/cache.inc on line 178.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = 'zh-hant' WHERE s.source = 'Upload a backup and migrate backup file. The restore function will not work with database dumps from other sources such as phpMyAdmin.' AND s.textgroup = 'default' in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 374.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES ('/user/login?destination=forum%2F3%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3D%25E6%259C%2580%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%259B%259E%25E6%2587%2589%26page%3D6', 'Upload a backup and migrate backup file. The restore function will not work with database dumps from other sources such as phpMyAdmin.', 'default', '6.34') in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 390.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE 'locale:%' in /volume1/web/print/includes/cache.inc on line 178.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = 'zh-hant' WHERE s.source = 'Destinations are the places you can save your backup files to or them load from.' AND s.textgroup = 'default' in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 374.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES ('/user/login?destination=forum%2F3%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3D%25E6%259C%2580%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%259B%259E%25E6%2587%2589%26page%3D6', 'Destinations are the places you can save your backup files to or them load from.', 'default', '6.34') in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 390.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE 'locale:%' in /volume1/web/print/includes/cache.inc on line 178.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = 'zh-hant' WHERE s.source = 'Files can be saved to a directory on your web server, downloaded to your desktop or emailed to a specified email account. From the Destinations tab you can create, delete and edit destinations or list the files which have already been backed up to the available destinations.' AND s.textgroup = 'default' in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 374.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES ('/user/login?destination=forum%2F3%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3D%25E6%259C%2580%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%259B%259E%25E6%2587%2589%26page%3D6', 'Files can be saved to a directory on your web server, downloaded to your desktop or emailed to a specified email account. From the Destinations tab you can create, delete and edit destinations or list the files which have already been backed up to the available destinations.', 'default', '6.34') in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 390.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE 'locale:%' in /volume1/web/print/includes/cache.inc on line 178.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = 'zh-hant' WHERE s.source = 'Profiles are saved backup settings. Profiles store your table exclusion settings as well as your backup file name, compression and timestamp settings. You can use profiles in !schedulelink and for !manuallink.' AND s.textgroup = 'default' in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 374.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES ('/user/login?destination=forum%2F3%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3D%25E6%259C%2580%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%259B%259E%25E6%2587%2589%26page%3D6', 'Profiles are saved backup settings. Profiles store your table exclusion settings as well as your backup file name, compression and timestamp settings. You can use profiles in !schedulelink and for !manuallink.', 'default', '6.34') in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 390.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE 'locale:%' in /volume1/web/print/includes/cache.inc on line 178.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = 'zh-hant' WHERE s.source = 'You can create new profiles using the add profiles tab or by checking the \"Save these settings\" button on the advanced backup page.' AND s.textgroup = 'default' in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 374.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES ('/user/login?destination=forum%2F3%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3D%25E6%259C%2580%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%259B%259E%25E6%2587%2589%26page%3D6', 'You can create new profiles using the add profiles tab or by checking the \"Save these settings\" button on the advanced backup page.', 'default', '6.34') in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 390.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE 'locale:%' in /volume1/web/print/includes/cache.inc on line 178.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = 'zh-hant' WHERE s.source = 'Automatically backup up your database on a regular schedule using <a href=\"!cronurl\">cron</a>.' AND s.textgroup = 'default' in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 374.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES ('/user/login?destination=forum%2F3%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3D%25E6%259C%2580%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%259B%259E%25E6%2587%2589%26page%3D6', 'Automatically backup up your database on a regular schedule using <a href=\"!cronurl\">cron</a>.', 'default', '6.34') in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 390.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE 'locale:%' in /volume1/web/print/includes/cache.inc on line 178.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = 'zh-hant' WHERE s.source = 'Each schedule will run a maximum of once per cron run, so they will not run more frequently than your cron is configured to run. If you specify a number of backups to keep for a schedule, old backups will be deleted as new ones created. <strong>If specifiy a number of files to keep other backup files in that schedule\'s destination will get deleted</strong>.' AND s.textgroup = 'default' in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 374.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES ('/user/login?destination=forum%2F3%3Fsort%3Dasc%26order%3D%25E6%259C%2580%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%259B%259E%25E6%2587%2589%26page%3D6', 'Each schedule will run a maximum of once per cron run, so they will not run more frequently than your cron is configured to run. If you specify a number of backups to keep for a schedule, old backups will be deleted as new ones created. <strong>If specifiy a number of files to keep other backup files in that schedule\'s destination will get deleted</strong>.', 'default', '6.34') in /volume1/web/print/modules/locale/locale.module on line 390.
  • user warning: MySQL server has gone away query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE 'locale:%' in /volume1/web/print/includes/cache.inc on line 178.
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